Volunteer Sign-Up Form

A smiling pilot wearing a headset, seated in the cockpit of a vintage yellow biplane, ready for takeoff at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum.

Volunteer Application Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum. Volunteers are essential to our mission of preserving and celebrating aviation history. Please fill out the form below to share your skills and availability, and let us know how you would like to contribute to our team. Your support helps us […]

Gifts of Stocks and Securities Form

A donation box and a sign promoting memberships and benefits in front of a yellow aircraft inside the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum hangar. The donation box is labeled "Donate Here" and the sign includes a cartoon of a man with the text "Big Member Benefits."

Gifts of Stocks and Securities From How To Donate: To donate stocks and securities, please fill out the form below or contact us directly via phone or email. We will work with you to set up the process and ensure your generous contribution is handled properly. Contact Information Phone: 306-651-7247 Email: [email protected]

Board of Directors Application

Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Logo

Board Member Application Form Thank you for your interest in joining the Board of Directors at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum. Please fill out the form below to help us understand your skills and how you can contribute to our mission.

Grade 6 And 10 Program Booking

Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Logo

Updated Download PDF Grade 6 And 10 Program Booking Booking Form Thank you for your interest in booking a Theory of Flight program for your Grade 6 or Grade 10 students at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum. Please fill out the booking form below to schedule your visit. If you prefer to fill out a Word […]