Volunteer Certification and Code of Conduct
I, as a member in good standing wish to volunteer my services to the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Inc. located at 5 Hangar Road (John G. Diefenbaker International Airport) Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7L 5X4.
I, hereby, execute this certificate to Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Inc. for the express purpose of stating that any and all services performed by me, on behalf of the Museum, are entirely voluntary and gratuitous. I specifically decline any payment or other reimbursement for any such service and will not, at any time in the future, make any claim upon the museum for any such services performed by me.
I will act, dress and perform all duties in a professional manner. I understand that, as a volunteer, I am expected to be diplomatic in all dealings with the public as well as other volunteers and staff. I agree to work my schedule and attend any training sessions that are required. In addition, I will give timely notice of any expected absence and inform the Volunteer Coordinator of any changes in my address and/or phone number.
I understand the necessity to adhere with all aspects of the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Safety Programs, industrial and administrative. I will wear protective clothing and use protective equipment, as required, to do any task safely.
I further agree to hold the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Inc. harmless from any damage or injury to my property or person which may result from my own negligent while engaged as a volunteer on behalf of the Museum, and to release the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum Inc. from any liability for injury or damage to my person or property which may result from my services in this capacity.
I have read and understand this Agreement and Code of Conduct and confirm I am in agreement as a volunteer of the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum.